unable to cope

美 [ʌnˈeɪbl tu koʊp]英 [ʌnˈeɪbl tu kəʊp]
  • 无法应付的;(人、机器等)无法应对的
unable to copeunable to cope
  1. The speed of economic change has been so great that the tax-collecting system has been unable to cope .


  2. When the children misbehaved she was unable to cope .


  3. Without upgrades and new capacity , bridges , roads and power systems are unable to cope with expanding populations .


  4. As a result of increasing parental2 pressure , one in 10 university students suffers from mental health problems while others find themselves unable to cope without help from Mum and Dad and an army of private tutors .


  5. He is unable to cope with the duties of her new position .


  6. The traditional relational database has been unable to cope with three typical characteristics of contemporary data .


  7. Jean felt unable to cope with driving in heavy traffic after the accident .


  8. They beat themselves up for having a problem and feeling unable to cope with it .


  9. cope Jean felt unable to cope with driving in heavy traffic after her accident .


  10. However , the problems existing in our present law educational mechanism make us unable to cope with the challenge of the society .


  11. Your partner will be emotionally unable to cope .


  12. But when you 're unable to cope well with the stress in your life , your mind and body may pay the price .


  13. Companies that are unable to cope with the demands of consumers in the internet age should be wiped out .


  14. When it came to the nuts and bolts of running a business , he was clearly unable to cope .


  15. Existing billing and collection systems are often stiff and rigid , unable to cope with the new operating environment under the challenges .


  16. Now the manufacturing technology level of automotive stamping die is relatively backward in domestic , unable to cope with this market very well .


  17. Unable to cope , we respond inappropriately .


  18. Munich hotels were unable to cope with the huge numbers flocking in for the Olympic Games .


  19. Although many continued to fast , others quietly admitted that they were unable to cope with the demands of their faith .


  20. Even if you resolve them you 'll have left the impression that you 're indecisive or unable to cope with pressure .


  21. Such en-masse traveling has created severe transportation and accommodation problems , and travel operators complained about being unable to cope .


  22. In the face of the severe shortage of funding for higher education situation , in any traditional way of thinking and methods have been unable to cope with .


  23. Immature students may be unable to cope with the grief of a breakup and may attempt to harm themselves or even commit suicide .


  24. Practice shows that teaching material reforms over the years not only failed to meet the needs of teaching reform , and unable to cope with a variety of impact and influence .


  25. All these services will have to be delivered in the right place at the right time and in the right way , often by governments unable to cope with existing demand .


  26. Meanwhile , the traditional management of universities have been unable to cope with the high speed development and expansion of universities . In order to meet international requirements , we must implement campus information management .


  27. The traditional storage architecture as well as C / S mode-based server architecture has been unable to cope with the mass data storage on the Internet and for user to access them .


  28. Critics charge that the company has been unable to cope with fundamental shifts in the restaurant business in recent years , writes Neil Munshi in Chicago .


  29. Parents are smothering their children , leaving them unable to cope by themselves as they grow up , the prime minister 's adviser on childhood has said .


  30. A subtle shift in weather patterns brought less rain and the Mayan civilization was simply unable to cope with a prolonged dry period punctuated by several severe droughts .
